Have you been relying on luck
while hiring a great candidate? Think again.
There are hundreds of reasons when a candidate rejects a particular job role. Your recruitment team might not be able to reach their targets. Your best candidates turning down your job offers translates into higher costs, and positions remain vacant for longer. This is the scenario where you have to identify the reasons for such happenings. Sourcing comes first. Make your sourcing methods versatile with social recruiting data or using sourcing data tools with the help of leading data partners like us. Soon you will be able to build a pool of talent, helping you reach more candidates faster. Recruiters can be more relevant and more targeted in their recruitment marketing campaigns by getting the relevant database. You can always automate your manual recruiting work and can add more value in identifying the most qualified candidates.
Your CRM and recruitment marketing platform can do that automatically. The data collected can be used to create new value, like drawing insights about candidates, identifying their needs and preferences, and improving their experience.

Pay attention to the correct data for an exponential growth
Know MoreFirst quality interaction with data leads to a great recruitment
Produce excellent results with significant data
Get the power to take a scientific approach to recruitment marketing and to make data-driven decisions.

Witness exceptional results

Spike in application volume

Emerge as a reliable recruitment agency

Increase ROI by understanding key metrics and KPI’s

Get data-driven and accurate results

Build a sharp online image and get more leads through social platforms
Having a data-driven organization like us at work for you means a lot. You can easily engage candidates, often succeeding in making contact before staffing firms or competitors. Let our highly accurate data, work wonders for your business. It’s surprising to know that over 40% of corporate recruiters don’t get in touch with candidates because they are accustomed to having no data and hence no phone numbers and no contact. There are so many ways in which our data can solve the problems of modern-day corporate recruiters like yourself. So, what are you waiting for, hit the trial button!