Build your medical contacts in an easy and straight-forward Way
Our medical email lists helps you connect and communicate with medical professionals and administrators across different healthcare verticals
If you are trying to sell to the healthcare industry, you need to gain access to the right medical professionals and hospital administrators across the geography.Our comprehensive medical contact database gives you access to various medical professionals across the verticals. Our medical lists also covers over 80 data fields that include telecalling numbers, social profiles and professional portfolios. Now, you can easily choose the most prolific way of approaching prospects.
Our medical database covers medical doctors, nurses, pharmacies, hospitals and physical therapists and counsellors across the USA and abroad. With our multi-touch medical contact database tailored to your needs, you'll be better positioned to reach your marketing and sales goals.Now, you can decide on the most prolific way of approaching prospects.
Our multi-touch medical contact database gives you the optimal way to communicate and engage with medical practioners of different verticals. Our medical lists are segmented based on different doctor practices, doctor geo-location and location of clinics.
Our medical databases are throughly Verified−

Ready-to-contact database
All included contacts has official permission obtained from the healthcare professionals

Find long-term healthcare Customers
Our medical lists connects you with your next high-profile buyer contact with 60%-80% assurety.

Target Medical administrators
Target the decision-makers in medical/healthcare industry with our medical data lists of healthcare directors and facility owners.(almost 50% of our data).

Over 80 updated fields
Take an omnichannel communications approach by using our 80 consistently updated data fields of relevant healthcare contacts.

Launching events for health products

The American Healthcare Association

National Change of Address committee

In-house data research experts (more than 300)
We also utilize thousands of other sources to acquire and collect healthcare contact data. We go above and beyond to ensure that you're availing high-quality B2B healthcare data. In short, we ensure that you're utilizing only reliable B2B data.

How You can avail our medical database lists

By hiring the right segmented medical lists from us for your targeted use.

By licensing out the healthcare list

Using our data connector, you can can avail the latest updated healthcare contacts of new hospital directors, pharmacy owners, lab administration personnel. You can directly access this data from your CRM dashboard.

Review the breadth and width of our healthcare database in US and abroad.
An overview of medical database segmentation
- Generalist Medical Practitioners Database
- Company Doctor Database
- General Practitioner Database
- Osteopath Database
- Specialist Medical Practitioners Database
- Anaesthetist Database
- Cardiologist Database
- Dentist Database
- Dentist Surgeon Database
- Gastroenterologist Database
- Geneticist Database
- Gynaecologist Database
- Hygienist Database
- Health Officer Database
- Medical Practitioner Database
- Optical Specialist Database
- Pathologist Database
- Plastic Surgeon Database
- Psychiatrist Database
- Radiologist Database
- Skin Specialist Database
- Specialised Doctor Database
- Surgeon Database
- Urologist Database
- Midwifery Professionals Database
- Midwife Database
- Midwifery Professional Database
- Nursing Professionals Database
- Advanced Nurse Practitioner Database
- Charge Nurse Database
- Children's Nurse Database
- District Nurse Database
- Hospital Nurse Database
- Intensive Care Nurse Database
- Recovery Nurse Database
- Nurse General Care Database
- Nurse Database
- Psychiatric Nurse Database
- Specialist Nurse Database
- Theatre Nurse Database
- Animal Chiropractors Database
- Aquatic Animal Health Professionals Database
- General Veterinarians Database
- Official Veterinarians Database
- Specialised Veterinarians Database
- General Veterinarians Database
- Complementary Therapists Database
- Homeopathic Practitioners Database
- Audiologists and Speech Therapists Database
- Audiologists Database
- Speech and Language Therapists Database
- Speech Therapists Database
- Dentists Database
- Dental Practitioners Database
- Dentists Database
- Specialist Dentists Database
- Dieticians and Nutritionists Database
- Dieticians Database
- Dietitians Database
- Nutrition Information Officers Database
- Environmental and Occupational Health and Hygiene Professionals Database
- Construction Safety Inspectors Database
- Emergency Response Coordinators Database
- Food Safety Specialists Database
- Health and Safety Officers Database
- Occupational Health Officers Database
- Safety Officers Database
- Database of Health Professionals not elsewhere classified
- Animal Osteopaths Database
- Kinesiologists Database
- Occupational Therapy Assistants Database
- Podiatrists Database
- Podiatry Assistants Database
- Recreational Therapists Database
- Specialist Chiropractors Database
- Therapists Database
- Optometrists and Ophthalmic Opticians Database
- Contact Lens Specialists Database
- Ophthalmic Opticians Database
- Optometrists Database
- Orthoptists Database
- Pharmacists Database
- Pharmacists Database
- Database of Pharmacists in Hospital or Factory
- Pharmacy Managers Database
- Toxicologist Database
- Physiotherapists Database
- Advanced Physiotherapists Database
- Animal Physiotherapists Database
- Chiropractors Database
- Occupational Therapists Database
- Physiotherapists Database
- Psychomotor Herapists Database
- Remedial Gymnasts Database
- Respiratory Therapists Database
- Paramedical Practioners Database

Get incrementally more engaged healthcare leads through multi-channel marketing to our medical lists
Getting started on your healthcare campaigns is on us!
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